• Exposing Some Popular Misconceptions About Flood Insurance Policies

    Floods are threats that have the potential to cause substantial damages to your home and possessions. While there are insurance policies that can help keep you safe from the financial consequences of these natural disasters, you may not be able to take full advantage of this protection if you are poorly informed about flood insurance. After exposing the following couple of misconceptions about flood insurance, you will be in a stronger position to make smart choices to keep your home safe from flood damage.

  • 3 Big Things That Limit What Insurance Companies Pay Out

    Insurance policy documents can seem like a briar patch of confusing language and fine print. If you are trying to figure out some of the biggest limitations on your insurance contract, whether it's home, auto, major medical or some other type of policy, these items often come into play. The Deductible The deductible is one of the most common, and least understood, elements of an insurance policy. However, it plays a crucial role in helping customers and companies negotiate, and in setting premium rates.

  • Do You Need Insurance in the Winter?

    As the winter season approaches, you might have unique needs when it comes to insurance. While you may not need insurance for a vehicle you don't use in the cold season, you should add insurance for other vehicles. Here is what you should know about insurance in the winter for different types of vehicles. Car Insurance The first type of insurance you may need winter insurance coverage for is with your car.

  • 3 Things To Consider When Shopping To Lower Your Car Insurance Rates

    Car insurance is something that every driver needs to have. Not only does it help protect you financially in the event of an accident, it is actually a law in most states. If you currently have car insurance and you want to shop around for a better rate, here are three things you need to keep in mind. 1. The minimum coverage requirements for your state and/or lender. Whenever you want to see if you can find cheaper car insurance rates, first you need to check on the minimum coverage requirements for your state of residence.

  • Are Your Car Insurance Premiums Increasing With Age? Three Ways You Can Save

    Car insurance rates can fluctuate based on your age and your lifestyle. As you approach retirement age and beyond, you may notice that your renewal rates start to increase. Most insurance companies automatically classify older drivers as higher-risk clients because of the potential for cognitive decline, slower reaction times and some age-related health risks. If your insurance company is increasing your rates, here are some tips to help you deal with it.